Too Much of a Good Thing


Our packed fridge

On my birthday, my family brought over a tremendous amount of food.  It was so good. It was also a blessing as it’s saved us money (we haven’t had to make any trips to the grocery store) and it’s saved us time (we haven’t had to make dinner) because the spread was so massive. We’ve been eating like it’s my birthday for days!

But after indulging for some time now, both my husband and I feel like our bodies are begging for some relief.  All of the fried food, cake and sugary drinks are starting to take a toll on us.  We’re not as young as we used to be…

Not that we’re models of healthy eating by any means (Baby Bear is the only one that gets the organic stuff around here) we’re going to lay off the not-so-healthy food for a while.  Our bodies need water, fruit, something that at least somewhat resembles a vegetable.

Have you ever over-indulged for this long? How do you get back on track?

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